Beyond The Beacon
Join Bishop Kevin Sweeney and Communications Director Jai Agnish of the Diocese of Paterson, N.J., as they discuss current events and topics relevant to the local Church in Paterson and the global Catholic Church. Bishop Sweeney answers questions from listeners, interviews guests, and shares reflections and insights helpful for all striving to live a life of faith, hope, and love.
Beyond The Beacon
9: Two Catholic moms discuss their journey of faith and motherhood
Join Bishop Kevin Sweeney and Communications Director Jai Agnish for episode 9 of Beyond The Beacon, a podcast of the Diocese of Paterson, N.J. In honor of Mother's Day, Bishop Sweeney invites Caitlin Ferrari and Eniola Honsberger to the show this week to discuss their journeys of faith and motherhood. Ferrari is the Communications and Information Coordinator of the Office of Evangelization, known as St. Paul Inside the Walls. Honsberger is the director of the Office of Family Life for the Diocese of Paterson. Bishop Sweeney and his guests also take a question from a listener about the vocation of marriage. Be sure to like this episode, subscribe, and tune in next time! Thanks for listening! Email questions for Bishop Sweeney to beyond@patersondiocese.org.
The Paul Street Journal is all about Catholic Economics. From discussing the economic principles in scripture, to answering economic questions, this show will help you make economic decisions with the heart of the Church. Hosts: Freddy Garcia and Brian Honsberger. Available wherever you get podcasts, or watch on St. Paul Inside the Walls YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@stpaulinsidethewalls.