Beyond The Beacon
Join Bishop Kevin Sweeney and Communications Director Jai Agnish of the Diocese of Paterson, N.J., as they discuss current events and topics relevant to the local Church in Paterson and the global Catholic Church. Bishop Sweeney answers questions from listeners, interviews guests, and shares reflections and insights helpful for all striving to live a life of faith, hope, and love.
Podcasting since 2023 • 82 episodes
Beyond The Beacon
Latest Episodes
What it's like to be young and Catholic now
Three young adults share their experience of being Catholic in today's culture. Bishop Kevin Sweeney and Jai Agnish interview Michael Inguanti, David Martinez, and Matt Pana of the New Jersey chapter of Young Catholic Professionals. The organiz...
Season 1
Episode 82

Opportunities for God's grace in the season of Lent
As we look to Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent, Bishop Kevin Sweeney offers practical advice about the Lenten practices of fasting, almsgiving, and prayer. Guest Father Jared Brogan joins Bishop Kevin and Jai Agnish to help illuminate th...
Season 1
Episode 81

How three people responded to their call to religious life
A religious sister and two brothers engage in a lively interview with Bishop Kevin Sweeney about how they discerned God's call to consecrated religious life. Sister of Christian Charity Chiara Marie Stimpfle, Franciscan Father John Aherne, ...
Season 1
Episode 80

How this close-knit Catholic school community thrives now
For this remote episode, Bishop Kevin Sweeney and Jai Agnish visited All Saints Academy, a preschool through eighth-grade Catholic school of the Diocese of Paterson in Parsippany, N.J. The episode was recorded at St. Ann Church, where classes w...
Season 1
Episode 79

March For Life: The powerful movement continues after 52 years
On Jan. 24, 2025, the 52nd annual National March for Life will take place in Washington, D.C., bringing together pro-life advocates to be a voice for the voiceless. Two frequent attendees of the March, Julie McGurn, a parishioner of St....
Season 1
Episode 78